How to Generate Contours Using QGIS

For civil engineers and other design professionals, contours are a significant part of our working life. This is because contours are very useful when attempting to visualize drainage patterns across the landscape. Unfortunately, contour data (and especially high-quality contour data) can be difficult to find. Some cities and counties provide contour data on their GIS … Read more

Categories GIS

Managerial Decision-Making in Civil Engineering

I am currently taking a business management class to help enhance my soft skills to prepare for opening my engineering firm in the near future. One of the assignments involved writing a short essay about decision-making. The following blog post is an adapted version of that essay where I share my thoughts about decision-making at … Read more

Book Recommendations for Stormwater Professionals

The following blog post lists some book recommendations for stormwater/water resources professionals who are seeking to enhance their knowledge. The books discussed in this article are not academic in nature, meaning this is not a list of textbook recommendations. Rather, this list of books is comprised of novels and “fun reads.” I hope these books … Read more

Why do some engineers still like HEC-1 more than HEC-HMS?

Hydrological modeling plays a crucial role in assessing and predicting the behavior of natural and engineered waterways. In the United States, there are two widely used models for hydrological analysis are HEC-1 and HEC-HMS. Both models were developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). HEC stopped updating HEC-1 in … Read more